David G. Harrison D.O., M.R.O.

Registered Osteopath & CranioSacral Therapist

Taunton Family Osteopathic Practice 
32 Stoke Road
Taunton, TA1 3EJ
01823 275948

The Practice is closed until Monday 24th March


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For an appointment or to discuss your situation, please call on 01823 275948. Please leave a message on the answerphone which I will usually return within an hour or two.

One of the Most Experienced Practitioners

The principal practitioner, David G. Harrison D.O., graduated from the 4 year full-time course at the British School of Osteopathy in 1987, and built up a busy multidisciplinary practice in North-West London for 13 years before moving with his family to Taunton in the summer of 2000. With over 37 years in practice, and specialist training in Paediatric Cranial Medicine, David is one of the most experienced practitioners in Taunton and the South West. To maintain his skills, and to keep up to date with the latest research and developments, David undertakes at least 30 hours a year of continueing professional development (CPD), and assists teaching courses in Paediatric and Adult CranioSacral Therapy (CST).

The Longest Established Osteopathic Practice in Taunton

Established over 50 years, the practice is located in comfortable and relaxing purpose-built premises attached to the practitoner's home in a residential, and easily accessible, road one mile south of Taunton town centre. Just 5 minutes from junction 25 of the M5, the clinic is easily reached from Bristol and Exeter, and we even have a number of clients who drive down from London. There is ample free parking in the road outside the practice.

Therapies available at Taunton Family Osteopathic Practice

David's original training and qualification was in Classical Osteopathy. He has subsequently developed his specialization in Cranial Osteopathy, which he initially studied with the College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy, before further study to Advanced level with the Upledger Institute. His particular specialization, and the area in which he has done the most study and research, is Paediatric CranioSacral Medicine, working with babies (the youngest to date being just 20 minutes old), toddlers and teenagers. He has an excellent reputation with local therapists, both conventional and complementary, a large part of his workload coming via referrals from doctors, midwives and health visitors. He also uses Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue (TID) and Somato-Emotional Release (SER), specialist techniques pioneered by the Upledger Institute in America, mostly with teenage and adult patients. These methods access and release chronic emotional blocks that can hold a person back from reaching their full potential.


Philosophy and Principles

One of the original Osteopathic maxims was "find it, fix it, leave it alone". It is as true today as when it was first spoken by the founder of Osteopathy 150 years ago, and is one of David's key principles. In practice this means that, unlike some therapies / therapists he will not book you in for any more appointments than you really need. Once the problem is identified, it is treated, and advice, and if helpful, exercises, given to try to prevent a reccurrence of the problem. No pre-booking ten appointments in advance. No weekly returns indefinitely. No 10 minute appointments as we feel we need one hour appointment slots to really get to the cause of your problem and deal with it in a lasting way.